Submit any file & grade without any submission

Turnitin updated last week, bringing a number of bug fixes and new features.

Grading without submission

TemplateUse Turnitin to give feedback to a student without them submitting a file. For example, you could use this to give feedback for a presentation in class – you could even grade on your iPad as the student was giving their presentation.


Submit any file type

Allow any file typeWhen editing settings for the assignment, you can set it to accept any file type, not just ones that can be viewed in Turnitin (i.e. not just Word/PDFs etc).

The document viewer will contain a link to download the file, and an empty page – called a grading template – where you can use the regular Turnitin features to feedback.


Submit images

Turnitni image viewerIf a student uploads an image, it will appear in the document viewer.


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