Turnitin LTI: What’s changed?

Moving from the old integration (Basic) to LTI means there are changes to be aware of. Read on for a list of the most notable.

Feedback Studio

The Feedback Studio view, where instructors mark and students view feedback, has not changed.


Moved Because of a limitation with LTI and/or Blackboard Learn, the option to create a Turnitin LTI assignment is in the Build Content menu, not Assessments.

If it becomes possible to move it back to Assessments, we will do so.


Moved No longer created or accessed via a separate link. You now create a PeerMark assignment via a checkbox on the regular assignment creation screen. However:

a gradebook column will not be created in the Blackboard Learn Grade Center student’s PeerMark scores. All interactions with PeerMark occur within the Turnitin LTI integration workflow.


  • Improved Start date – the assignment will be created with an Adaptive Release rule so it will not be visible to students prior to the start date.
  • Changed Post date – now called Feedback Release Date.

Editing an assignment

Once an assignment is created, you are unable to edit the following settings via Turnitin’s assignment inbox.

  • Title
  • Instructions
  • Start date
  • Due date

They can be amended by selecting Edit next to the item in Blackboard.

Submitting work

Changed The process of submitting an assignment has been improved and simplified. As ever, we recommend linking to instructions on our student site detailing the steps to follow.

Email receipts

Gone Students will not receive an email when they submit. They are prompted to download one, and our instructions stress the importance of doing so.

Course tools

Gone Unlike Turnitin Basic, Turnitin LTI doesn’t add any items to the Course Tools section of the Blackboard course’s control panel. Those features (the Assignment Inbox, and Assignments by Groups) are available via. each assignment’s link in the Blacboard content area.

Assignments/Assignment inbox

Moved Accessed via the same link the student goes to submit to – i.e. in the content area. More information.

Mark by groups

Moved If there are groups and group sets present in the Blackboard course, these will be listed in a dropdown in the assignment inbox.

Marking by groups does not let you mark group work, you should use a Blackboard Group  Assignment for that. Turnitin’s groups feature lets you use groups in Blackboard to split marking between a number of instructors.

Email non-submitters

Moved In Basic, this was available via. the Assignment Inbox. You should now use Blackboard’s Grade Centre to see who hasn’t submitted.

Blackboard Grade Centre

Anonymous assignments

Improved Previously, in Basic, when a student submitted to an anonymous assignment, the Grade Centre didn’t show that an attempt needed grading. Now, LTI will set the Needs Grading flag when a student submits.

Reveal grades on post date

Gone Basic’s option to reveal grades on post date is not available on LTI.

Important Assignments that are not anonymous will push grades into the Grade Centre when they are added in Feedback Studio. Hide the Grade Centre column if you don’t want students to see the grades before the Feedback Release Date. You will then need to unhide the column after the post date.

This isn’t a problem for anonymous assignments, as the grades are only posted to the Grade Centre when the Feedback Release Date is reached (to preserve anonymity during marking).

Sync grades

Gone This is no longer needed.

Restoring an accidentally deleted assignment

Assignments accidentally deleted from Blackboard cannot be restored.

This is a change in behaviour compared to Basic assignments, where papers from a deleted assignment could be moved into a newly created one.


Improved Contains the Online Grading Report, which was present in Basic, and expands this to show you information as to how your students are engaging with the assignment.

More information.

Document flags

Improved In Basic, you could view the flags on an individual paper. LTI’s Assignment Inbox now features a Flags column to give you a wider view. More information.